Helping poor can not be evaluated by anything
Ayatollah in Komiteh Emdad gathering after thanking the charity members, he recite a lecture about the evaluation of helping poor
He has mentioned not only helping others has been mentioned in our book Quran a lot of times, also this is a human manner to help who is indeed need help, and he mentioned this job is so valuable which can not be evaluated by us human.
Regardless of the actual helping via money and physically, there are many ways to help others which the numbers are endless, Ayatollah said. Today’s world needs more kindness and help than any other time in history as today we can see the other side of the wold is suffering from hunger and lack of knowledge and it is much easier to send helps and stop the suffer.
Inshallah we will put all our power to help mankind and stop the loss of our brothers and sisters, he said