Islamic art is not art of a specific religion, time, place, or of a single medium . Instead it spans some 1400 years, covers many lands and populations, and includes a range of artistic fields including architecture, calligraphy , painting, glass, ceramics , and textiles, among others.
Islamic religious art differs from Christian religious art in that it is non-figural because many Muslims believe that the depiction of the human form is idolatry , and thereby a sin against God, forbidden in the Qur’an. Calligraphy and architectural elements are given important religious significance in Islamic art.
Islamic art developed from many sources: Roman, early Christian art, and Byzantine styles ; Sassanian art of pre-Islamic Persia; Central Asian styles brought by various nomadic incursions, and Chinese influences appear on Islamic painting, pottery , and textiles.
Key Terms
Qu’ran: The central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: Allah). It is widely regarded as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language.
arabesque: A repetitive, stylized pattern based on a geometrical floral or vegetal design.
idolatry: The worship of idols.
monotheistic: Believing in a single god, deity, spirit, etc., especially for an organized religion, faith, or creed.
About Ayatollah Kazerooni
Philosopher & Lecturer
He was born in Tehran at 1960, after childhood period Ayatollah then start to learn Doroos from the early age as 13, he is still studying as well as teaching in Hawza and Universities